The Internal Security Force (ISF) camp, located in Duhail, is a development completed for Lakhwiya. By obtaining 4 Stars rating under GSAS Districts Certification, the development has pioneered green building practices on a district level. ISF is a large scale camp which features a range of facilities that include military buildings, stores, guardhouses, headquarters, workshops, training and sports facilities, health centre, grand mosque and shops among other facilities.
To incorporate green building principles while also catering to the unique need of each facility, Lekhwiya camp has benefitted from multiple schemes under the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) framework. As MENA’s first performance based green building certification system, GSAS provides thorough guidelines to implement and assess projects’ carbon footprint while also considering region-specific challenges. In the case of mixed-use developments like Lekhwiya Camp in Duhail, GSAS framework also provides specific guidelines and methodologies suited for a diverse range of building typologies.
While a GSAS Districts Certification represents Lekhwiya Camp’s overall sustainability achievement, projects within the development have obtained GSAS-Design & Building (D&B) certifications under different schemes based on their building typologies. These are GSAS Hospitality to assess the barracks buildings, GSAS Commercial to assess headquarters and other administrative and mixed-use buildings, GSAS Sports to assess sports facilities, GSAS Healthcare to assess ISF Healthcare Medical Unit, GSAS Mosques to assess the Camp Grand Mosque , GSAS Light Industry to assess warehouse and workshops, and GSAS Core & Shell to assess the Traffic Control Center (TCC) Building. Most of the buildings within Lekhwiya Camp have attained GSAS 3 Stars ratings.
The district won many praises, one of them being by Dr Yousef Al Horr, founding chairman of GORD.